Picking up Larten's story several years after "Palace of the Damned," this begins with the vampire in an unusually content place. With a young vampire to mentor, a family of sorts in Paris, and important work as a Vampire General to deal with, he is as happy as he has ever been. Then a name from...
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  • Reviews for Brothers to the Death

  • Chuckles Book Cave

    Chuckles Book Cave | 23 January 2014

    Larten has finally found his place in society-being friends with and looking after Alicia and helping to save humans and vampires from the Nazis during WW2. However tragedy, betrayal and Desmond...

    Read full review: Chuckles Book Cave
  • YA big BOOKworm

    YA bigBOOKworm | 13 March 2013

    The final book of The Larten Crepsley Saga, and man was it a good one! Larten has experienced more tragedy in his life that anyone should, but he manages to find his way through it all in the...

    Read full review: YA big BOOKworm
  • Scott reads Books

    Scott Reads Books | 19 February 2013

    "Brothers to the Death" is the final book in Darren Shan's "Saga of Larten Crepsley" and it certainly lives up to the expectations set by the previous instalments.


    "Brothers to the Death"...

    Read full review: Scott reads Books
  • The Sun Daily (Malaysia)

    The Sun Daily (Malaysia) | 12 December 2012

    THIS is the fourth and final book in The Saga of Larten Crepsley and is supposed to be a prequel to The Saga of Darren Shan. Wait. Isn’t that the ­author? It sounds pretty confusing, especially...

    Read full review: The Sun Daily (Malaysia)
  • VOYA

    VOYA | 11 July 2012

    The final chapter in the four-book prequel of the Cirque Du Freak series finds master vampire Larten Crepsley on a revenge quest. Burdened with the task of leading the Nazis astray after the...

    Read full review: VOYA
  • TeenReads

    TeenReads | 28 June 2012

    Following a series of horrific and heartbreaking events, Larten Crepsley realizes that he must retreat from the world yet again. The only place left, where the vampire knows he can find peace, is...

    Read full review: TeenReads
  • Bookville

    Bookville | 16 June 2012

    This is the last book in a series about Mr Crepsley, a character we have known about since a long time ago, and I should be sad because I will read no more bout my favoirte orange-haired friend....

    Read full review: Bookville
  • Evening Echo

    Evening Echo | 25 May 2012

    The fourth and last book in The Saga Of Larten Crepsley completes the prequel to The Saga Of Darren Shan with a Nazi-dodging journey across Europe and more personal tragedy for Larten.



    Read full review: Evening Echo
  • Book Sp(l)ot

    Book Sp(l)ot | 17 May 2012

    Just when Larten is finally ready to make his way back to Vampire Mountain and his vampire kin, he's pulled into a very human conflict. The Nazis are coming to power and while the vampires have...

    Read full review: Book Sp(l)ot
  • The Book Zone (For Boys)

    The Book Zone (For Boys) | 08 May 2012

    I have just seen a tweet by Darren Shan to announce that today marks the 15th anniversary of when he first had the idea for Cirque Du Freak, a book which in my opinion paved the way for just...

    Read full review: The Book Zone (For Boys)
  • Diary Of A Nothingist

    Diary Of A Nothingist | 01 May 2012

    The Saga of Larten Crepsley (of which Brothers to the Death is the final volume) has been a thoughtful and restrained series. It still has many of the horrific set pieces that the author is...

    Read full review: Diary Of A Nothingist
  • Books For Breakfast

    Books For Breakfast | 30 April 2012

    The final book in the spin of series from The Saga of Darren Shan about Larten Crepsley was definitely the best one.


    Carrying on from the previous book Larten starts off enjoying his life...

    Read full review: Books For Breakfast