Tribble Tuesday | 11 March 2014 | Lanie Mecher



Snashing of the teeth!


Bones creeping out of fingernails clawing at anything it can reach. Hungry......hungry.......hung......BBBRRRAAIINNSS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Welcome to the new and improved B.


B is different.


B smells.


B doesn't care.


Because she's hungry.


B is a Zombie.


After that ungrateful day at her high school B wakes up to find her self different...she doesn't remember how, she doesn't remember ever coming to a dark place with guards all around her and she doesn't understand how she can understand the "human guards" and not want to eat them like all the other Zombies. How is she different? And why does the military want with her? She hasn't done anything wrong....well...if you count those bodies and brains rolling around in her stomach, but come on!! Forgive and forget people, forgive and forget!


Darren Shan has done it again with the story of with the insight world of being a Zombie comparing to a Human Shan has offically scared the pants right off of me. (Haven't found them yet!)

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