Liverpool Echo (UK) | 29 April 2010 | Janet Tansley
FROM the king of children's horror comes the third feverishly anticipated title in The Demonata. The idea for Slawter came to Darren Shan after a couple of visits to the Harry Potter set when he was inspired by the idea of basing a story on a film set. Set a few months after Lord Loss, book one of the series, Grubbs is looking after his uncle who is still plagued by nightmares after his return from the Demonata universe. When a legendary cult director calls in Dervish as a consultant for a new horror movie, it seems a perfect excuse for a break from routine. But being on the set of a town called Slawter stirs up more than memories for Grubbs and his friend Bill-E as the monsters aren't guite as fake as most of the cast and crew believe. Shan is undoubtedly a master of his craft but be warned, this is seriously scary.
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